We’re in the thick of the pumpkin spice season and I have several pumpkin spice recipes I’m hoping to post. I’m behind the eight ball here, with not much time for all of the wisdom that I hope to impart! LOL
So, with no time to waste, below you will find Bradley’s recipe for a delicious, fluffy and somewhat puffy pancake. (This recipe can be tweaked to make a great pancake for those who don’t have food allergies/sensitivities.)
Pumpkin Spice Pancakes (Vegan/Gluten Free) credit: Bradley Halfman
Start warming your pan. Pancakes turn out best when the pan you’re cooking them in is hot, so start heating your pan slowly as you mix these up.
- 1 1/2 cups Measure For Measure Flour (or your favorite flour)
- 3 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 Tbsp granulated sugar
- Cinnamon, cloves and ginger (to taste/smell)
- 1 1/4 cups almond milk (or your favorite milk)
- 1/4 cup pumpkin puree (I use Kroger brand)
- 2-3 Tbsp canola oil (or your preferred oil)
Combine all dry ingredients in mixing bowl with a whisk. Then add milk, pumpkin and oil – in that order. (If batter is thicker than you like, you can add more milk. Keep in mind, the thinner your batter, the thinner your pancake. I’ve found if my pan is warmed up and my heat is consistent, I can actually make a thicker gluten free pancake, which will cook all the way through without burning.)
Use a fair amount of oil in bottom of pan. (If you want to check if pan is ready, get a couple fingers wet and flick a drop or two of water into pan. If it sizzles, you’re good to go.)

Drop batter into hot pan. As they get closer to flipping them, hopefully your pancakes will give you the telltale sign of little bubbles popping and leaving small holes in the top of your pancake. When it’s time to flip, I add a little more oil to the pan and swish it around. I’ve had good luck with the pancakes popping right out of the pan.
Serve warm with pancake syrup or maple syrup. Coco Whip whipped topping is always a fun addition on top. If you REALLY like your pumpkin spice (as much as Bradley does), sprinkle some of the pumpkin spices on top of the whipped topping!

(Note: I don’t like the texture of gluten free pancakes when warmed up a day later. I only cook up as many pancakes as I know we’ll eat that day and refrigerate the remaining batter for another day!)
Thanks for stopping!
These recipes and tips are not guaranteed to work or be safe for everyone. Allergies are extremely complicated and vary for each individual. It is still your responsibility to read labels to ensure your safety. I cannot be held liable for any ill effects from using my tips to avoid your allergies. (Sorry guys, I don’t foresee any problems, but Momma’s gotta cover her backside, ya know?) Just read your labels! Do your research!
I love your recipes! This sounds delicious! I’m going try it soon.
You will not be disappointed! Thanks for visiting my blog.